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WordPress Plugins
ShortPixel Image Optimizer
- How to migrate from Imagify to ShortPixel ?
- Settings – AI/ML Training Usage Control
- How to disable all notifications of ShortPixel Image Optimizer
- Deliver images using the ShortPixel CDN in SPIO
- Settings – Force conversion of transparent images
- Settings – Optimize Thumbnails
- I received an e-mail that says some of my images are not accessible. What should I do?
- Settings – Background mode
- How to optimize your NextGEN galleries with ShortPixel Image Optimizer
- I want to move my heavy site to a new hosting provider with maximum size limit. By how much can ShortPixel shrink my files?
- I sent items to optimize, but the Media Library doesn’t show any progress
- My credits usage increased a lot, why?
- Why did ShortPixel Image Optimizer spend more credits than what it told me?
- Error “File Error. File could not be loaded with this ID”
- Exclude old images from optimization and automatically optimize the new images
- Why is the option “Process in the front-end” gone?
- Which thumbnails can I exclude from optimization?
- Why shall I use a WordPress plugin and not an offline tool?
- Will my images still be optimized if I move my website to a new hosting?
- Why should I create WebP or AVIF with ShortPixel Image Optimizer instead of uploading them manually to WordPress?
- The ShortPixel column has disappeared from the Media Library, how do I get it back?
- When I try to optimize, every image gets a 503 error. Can I fix that?
- Is there a way to test the ShortPixel plugins on a sandbox system?
- Why is the EXIF data removed from thumbnails?
- Optimizing large sites with WP-CLI
- I cannot empty the backups folder, what solutions do I have?
- How to exclude the images created by the ACF cropping plugin from optimization
- Why sometimes ShortPixel cannot optimize images on staging websites?
- ShortPixel says that all images were optimized, yet the old, unoptimized images still appear on the site.
- Deleting WebP or AVIF files created by ShortPixel
- Can I hide the ‘Bulk ShortPixel’ menu?
- Error “Error downloading file – incorrect file size”
- How can I make sure that ShortPixel will not automatically optimize my images?
- What types of formats can be optimized?
- Exclude PDF files from being compressed with ShortPixel Image Optimizer
- How to check if ShortPixel Image Optimizer compressed the images
- Is it possible to change the default backups folder?
- Error “Error while connecting: couldn’t connect to host”
- WebP and AVIF – Exclude some site parts from the picture tag replacement
- What data is kept when the “Remove EXIF” option is selected?
- How to remove the API Key from the plugin?
- Why is my image not converted to WebP or AVIF?
- Why does ShortPixel make a lot of MySQL queries? Should I worry?
- The bulk optimization progress bar jumps around. What’s happening?
- Error “URL is inaccessible from our server(s) due to access restrictions”
- Optimization issues after moving the website to a new host
- My Settings page is empty, what’s happening?
- Why are there image.jpg.webp files instead of image.webp files on my disk?
- WebP isn’t served on AMP websites
- Does the resize feature crop the images?
- Why am I getting a warning about a conflict with a thumbnail regeneration plugin?
- When I deactivate ShortPixel the WebP or AVIF images disappear, why?
- Error “Could not create backup. Please check file permissions”
- If I make a change in ShortPixel, do I need to re-run Bulk ShortPixel?
- Will my images remain optimized if I stop using ShortPixel Image Optimizer?
- Why are my images automatically compressed?
- Does ShortPixel set any cookies?
- Is the backups folder created on my server going to affect my bandwidth usage?
- Why aren’t the PNGs converted to JPEGs even when I choose this option?
- Why do I get the message “Efficiently encode images” when using ShortPixel?
- “Lenghty operation in process”, what is this?
- How to rename my WebP images from single to double extension
- Where exactly does ShortPixel store the data on the database?
- Can the ShortPixel Image Optimizer plugin for WordPress help with the “Properly size images” issue?
- Settings – Optimize Retina images
- What happens to my original images?
- Settings – Optimize PDFs
- What happens when my quota is exceeded and I still have images that need to be optimized?
- List of constants to add in wp-config.php
- How to migrate correctly to ShortPixel Image Optimizer
- Why are my images recompressed?
- Actions and filters of ShortPixel Image Optimizer
- Settings – CMYK to RGB conversion
- How to optimize images of WordPress themes and plugins
- Do the ShortPixel plugins preserve the EXIF data in images?
- I cannot validate the API Key, how to solve this?
- Can I optimize my images if they are stored on an external server?
- Does ShortPixel change any metadata (title, alt text, etc)?
- Error “Retry Limit reached. Image might be too large, limit too low or network issues”
- Why do I get the message “Serve images in next-gen formats”?
- How does ShortPixel Image Optimizer work on multisite?
- Can I use my own WebP/AVIF files with ShortPixel Image Optimizer?
- When I try to install your plugin, I get a 500 error. How can I solve it?
- How to hide the API key with ShortPixel Image Optimizer?
- Will backup images be stored on my own server?
- Does ShortPixel change the URLs of my images?
- How should I use ShortPixel Image Optimizer and Resize Image After Upload?
- Do you optimize the images in cloud?
- Where is my API key? How do I use it?
- My website seems to be slower, could this be because of ShortPixel Image Optimizer?
- I use Safari and SPIO, and I can’t see WebP images. How can I solve it?
- Error “Internal Server Error”
- Error “Invalid response from server”
- I use SPIO with Cloudflare and my WebP or AVIF images aren’t served, why is that?
- Why can’t the plugin overwrite a file or create a backup? What are the necessary permissions?
- Settings – Optimize media on upload
- ShortPixel Image Optimizer vs. Autoptimize’s “Optimize images” option
- Settings – Image backup
- Settings – Thumbnail compression
- The ShortPixel column in the Media Library explained
- How does ShortPixel Image Optimizer work?
- Error “Could not download file”
- How to exclude images from being optimized?
- Error: “Update Failed: Could not create directory.”
- Error “Too many inaccessible URLs from the same domain”
- Settings – Optimize other thumbnails
- Loss of color and saturation when uploading images to WordPress
- Can I optimize the existing images on my Media Library?
- Do you optimize existent WebP images?
- How to schedule a cron event to run ShortPixel Image Optimizer
- Error “Invalid image or unsupported image format”
- Can I use the same API Key on multiple websites?
- I get the message “Avif server test failed”. How do I configure my web server to deliver AVIF images?
- Do I need to optimize the images before adding them to my website?
- Will the WordPress plugins work on localhost?
- How do I add a lazy-load effect to my images optimized with ShortPixel Image Optimizer?
- What does “Preload Largest Contentful Paint image” mean? How can I solve it?
- This plugin is creating new thumbnails, how can I stop it?
- My images have disappeared! What do I do?
- I optimized already all the images but then I realized that I didn’t select the option to generate WebP or AVIF, what can I do?
- On what pages does SPIO optimize images?
- Does ShortPixel Image Optimizer add a lazy loading effect to the compressed images?
- Why some or all of the images cannot be optimized?
- The “Using the tag syntax” option doesn’t work; next-gen images won’t show up
- Possible Cloudflare issues and suggestions on how to address them
- Settings – Remove EXIF
- How to remove the backed up images on WordPress?
- How can I optimize only certain thumbnail sizes?
- Is ShortPixel’s Image Optimization good for SEO?
- Picture quality issues when using ShortPixel
- Where is the backup folder located? Can I remove it?
- How to create and serve AVIF files using ShortPixel Image Optimizer
- SPIO 5 tells me to convert/migrate legacy data, what is this?
- Settings – Convert PNG images to JPEG
- About GTmetrix, PageSpeed Insights and other website speed testers
- WP-CLI support for ShortPixel Image Optimizer
- How to deliver the WebP generated by ShortPixel with LiteSpeed Cache
- IPs to be whitelisted
- HEIC (Apple images) support in ShortPixel Image Optimizer
- ShortPixel Image Optimizer – A credit equals an optimized image?
- How do I restore my original images?
- Can ShortPixel automatically resize new image uploads?
- Remove all the ShortPixel related data on a WordPress website
- Why the resulting WebP images are bigger than the original PNG or JPG files?
- I want to start using Autoptimize with ShortPixel Image Optimizer, what should I do?
- Lossy, Glossy or Lossless – which one is the best for me?
- How to create and serve WebP files using ShortPixel Image Optimizer
- Using ShortPixel Image Optimizer with Cloudflare’s API Token
- Which WebP or AVIF delivery method is the best for me?
- Caveats of delivering WebP or AVIF images via .htaccess
- Configure NGINX to transparently serve next-gen format files when supported
- ShortPixel Adaptive Images vs. ShortPixel Image Optimizer
- What is smart cropping?
- Step-by-step guide to install and use ShortPixel Image Optimizer (SPIO)
- reSmush.it Image Optimizer
ShortPixel Adaptive Images
- I received an e-mail that says some of my images are not accessible. What should I do?
- Possible issues with NextDNS and shortpixel.ai
- I changed my domain and my images don’t show up anymore
- How to use Fastly with ShortPixel Adaptive Images
- How to use KeyCDN with ShortPixel Adaptive Images
- Settings – Top bar menu
- Why does ShortPixel Adaptive Images tell me that my quota will be exhausted soon?
- ShortPixel Adaptive Images not working on AMP sites
- Settings – Backgrounds maximum width
- Settings – Logged-in users
- Is there a way to test the ShortPixel plugins on a sandbox system?
- What happens if I move a website using SPAI from staging to production?
- Settings – Integrate with Lity
- Settings – Images hover handling
- My site uses HTTP AUTH, will SPAI work?
- Settings – Size breakpoints
- ShortPixel Adaptive Images settings – Areas
- Actions, filters and developer options of ShortPixel Adaptive Images
- Settings – Sizes from postmeta
- The style of my website breaks when using SPAI, how can I solve this?
- ShortPixel Adaptive Image errors when Divi Toolbox is enabled
- Why do I get the message “Eliminate render-blocking resources” when using ShortPixel?
- ShortPixel Adaptive Images settings – Compression
- What’s the difference between ShortPixel’s CDN and a normal CDN?
- ShortPixel Adaptive Images crops off my images, how can I solve it?
- I use my own CDN and I noticed a significant increase in the number of used credits with ShortPixel Adaptive Images. Why?
- My Settings page is empty, what’s happening?
- ShortPixel Adaptive Images settings – Exclusions
- ShortPixel Adaptive Images settings – Behaviour
- Settings – Fade-in effect
- ShortPixel Adaptive Images is slowing down my website. How can I solve it?
- How can I set up SPAI to serve images from a custom subdomain?
- Settings – API URL
- Settings – Alter width and height
- Settings – Replace in the JS blocks
- How to use Amazon CloudFront with ShortPixel Adaptive Images
- Does ShortPixel set any cookies?
- Warning: Access to ___ has been blocked by CORS policy
- Why do I get the message “Efficiently encode images” when using ShortPixel?
- Settings – Replace method
- Where exactly does ShortPixel store the data on the database?
- My images are being replaced with a hotlinking warning, what can I do?
- What happens to my original images?
- Settings – Lazy-load threshold
- Does SPAI use a backup mechanism?
- Do the ShortPixel plugins preserve the EXIF data in images?
- Settings – Replace in JSON data
- I used all the paid CDN quota with your CDN service, what happens next?
- Why do I get the message “Serve images in next-gen formats”?
- When I try to install your plugin, I get a 500 error. How can I solve it?
- Why do my images appear as “data:image/svg” in the Resource Inspector?
- Settings – LQ image placeholders
- New billing system for ShortPixel CDN – March 2021
- How to use bunny.net with ShortPixel Adaptive Images
- Can I temporarily disassociate a domain and then reassign it again?
- Some images load very slow from the CDN
- Do you optimize the images in cloud?
- Why is ShortPixel Adaptive Images (SPAI) good for SEO?
- Settings – New AI engine
- ShortPixel Adaptive Images vs. Cloudflare Polish & Mirage services
- Can ShortPixel Adaptive Images be used on a static website?
- Does ShortPixel Adaptive Images serve images for Retina displays?
- Settings – Lazy-load the backgrounds
- I receive “Serve static assets with an efficient cache policy” when testing with GTMetrix, why?
- Can I use ShortPixel Adaptive Images without the CDN component?
- I receive “Use explicit width and height on image elements” when testing with GTmetrix, why?
- Can I use ShortPixel Adaptive Images with Autoptimize?
- Native lazy loading on WordPress 5.5 and SPAI compatibility
- Settings – Serve JS from CDN
- Settings – Next-gen Images Support
- ShortPixel Adaptive Images vs. Autoptimize’s “Optimize images” option
- Error: “Update Failed: Could not create directory.”
- Loss of color and saturation when uploading images to WordPress
- Do you optimize existent WebP images?
- Will the images of my site be indexed as coming from ShortPixel?
- I already used SPIO for image optimization, what settings should I use with SPAI?
- Do I need to optimize the images before adding them to my website?
- Warning: Cross-Origin Read Blocking (CORB) blocked cross-origin response
- Will the WordPress plugins work on localhost?
- What does “Preload Largest Contentful Paint image” mean? How can I solve it?
- I get the message “Properly size images” when using SPAI, how come?
- This plugin is creating new thumbnails, how can I stop it?
- My images have disappeared! What do I do?
- Settings – Remove EXIF
- Is ShortPixel’s Image Optimization good for SEO?
- Picture quality issues when using ShortPixel
- I used all the free CDN quota with your CDN service, what happens next?
- How to flush an image or all images from ShortPixel’s CDN cache?
- Settings – Replace in CSS files
- How to use the Image Checker tool
- How to use Cloudflare with ShortPixel Adaptive Images
- How to exclude images from optimization in the ShortPixel Adaptive Images plugin
- About GTmetrix, PageSpeed Insights and other website speed testers
- Known plugin and theme conflicts, issues and workarounds
- IPs to be whitelisted
- ShortPixel Adaptive Images doesn’t serve WebP images, why is that?
- How to use StackPath with ShortPixel Adaptive Images
- How does ShortPixel Adaptive Images work?
- Is ShortPixel Adaptive Images working well on my website?
- Why are the images not accessible by ShortPixel AI or Autoptimize?
- ShortPixel Adaptive Images – How are the credits counted?
- Lossy, Glossy or Lossless – which one is the best for me?
- I installed ShortPixel Adaptive Images but it doesn’t seem to work
- Can I use a different CDN with ShortPixel Adaptive Images?
- ShortPixel Adaptive Images vs. ShortPixel Image Optimizer
- Step-by-step guide to install and use ShortPixel Adaptive Images (SPAI)
- What is smart cropping?
- How can I associate a domain to my account?
Enable Media Replace
- Enable Media Replace says “Quota exceeded”
- How to disable the Remove background functionality from EMR
- User roles and Enable Media Replace
- How does the “Remove background” feature work?
- The image is not being replaced. Instead, it gets downloaded to my computer. Why?
- Enable Media Replace is removing the original files!
- Enable Media Replace – GDPR info
- Can I use Enable Media Replace with non-standard file extensions?
- Why can’t the plugin overwrite a file or create a backup? What are the necessary permissions?
- Error: “Update Failed: Could not create directory.”
- This plugin is creating new thumbnails, how can I stop it?
- In Enable Media Replace the image isn’t replaced. Why?
reGenerate Thumbnails Advanced
- Where exactly does ShortPixel store the data on the database?
- Why can’t the plugin overwrite a file or create a backup? What are the necessary permissions?
- Error: “Update Failed: Could not create directory.”
- This plugin is creating new thumbnails, how can I stop it?
- reGenerate Thumbnails Advanced Pro settings guide
- Resize Image After Upload
- ShortPixel Critical CSS
- WP SVG images
- I received an e-mail that says some of my images are not accessible. What should I do?
- Possible issues with NextDNS and shortpixel.ai
- How to disable the LQIPs on Autoptimize
- Why aren’t all the images on a page optimized by Autoptimize?
- My images are being replaced with a hotlinking warning, what can I do?
- (Outdated) Are the optimized images displayed right away?
- What happens if I stop using the Optimize Images feature?
- What are the benefits of using Autoptimize’s Image Optimization and CDN by ShortPixel?
- I used all the paid CDN quota with your CDN service, what happens next?
- Why do I get the message “Serve images in next-gen formats”?
- Exclude an image from being optimized when using Autoptimize
- New billing system for ShortPixel CDN – March 2021
- Some images load very slow from the CDN
- I receive “Serve static assets with an efficient cache policy” when testing with GTMetrix, why?
- How to flush the CDN cache for Autoptimize
- ShortPixel Image Optimizer vs. Autoptimize’s “Optimize images” option
- Does the ShortPixel CDN work with HTTPS?
- ShortPixel Adaptive Images vs. Autoptimize’s “Optimize images” option
- Do I need to create an account to start using the Image Optimization feature on Autoptimize?
- Loss of color and saturation when uploading images to WordPress
- Will the images of my site be indexed as coming from ShortPixel?
- How to stop using the Image Optimization of Autoptimize?
- How are the credits counted when using Autoptimize?
- Is Autoptimize working well on my website?
- “Quota was used” warning message
- Is ShortPixel’s Image Optimization good for SEO?
- I used all the free CDN quota with your CDN service, what happens next?
- Why are the images not accessible by ShortPixel AI or Autoptimize?
- Can I use a different CDN with Autoptimize?
- I want to start using Autoptimize with ShortPixel Image Optimizer, what should I do?
- Lossy, Glossy or Lossless – which one is the best for me?
- How does Autoptimize and its Image Optimization service work?
- How can I associate a domain to my account?
- Modula