Image Optimizer for WordPress

A lightweight plugin that can help you solve your website’s image-related problems within minutes.

Increase your website’s SEO ranking, number of visitors, and ultimately your sales by optimising any image or PDF document on your website. Add next-gen image formats to your website with just a click and save up to 90% of your website’s bandwidth.

Free up to 100 credits/mo. Unlimited plan at $9.99/mo.

How it works?

ShortPixel Image Optimizer will automatically send in the background your uploaded images to ShortPixel's optimization cloud, where they will be optimized and converted by our powerful algorithms, then will download and replace them into your Media Library. The optimized images, identical to the naked eye with the original but only at a fraction of the original byte size, will be then served instead of the heavier ones thus making your pages load faster and improving your Core Web Vitals.

  • Optimizes your images and PDFs upon upload into your Media Library, using ShortPixel's optimization cloud and without loading your server.
  • Optimizes all your existing images and PDFs in your Media Library with a push of a button.
How it works illustration
Do I need this plugin?

If you have a WordPress website with images then the answer is: most probably yes! Did you ever test your website with tools like PageSpeed Insights or GTmetrix and received complaints about images being too large? Or that you should use “next-gen” images like WebP or AVIF? ShortPixel Adaptive Images comes to the rescue and resolves your site’s image-related problems in no time.

Note: If your site's performance issues also include "images not properly sized" or "defer offscreen images" then you might want to check our ShortPixel Adaptive Images plugin, which also solves these issues while serving the optimized images from CDN.

How it works illustration


SPAI features illustration
  • compress JPG (and its variations JPEG, JPEG 2000, JPEG XR), PNG, GIF (still or animated) images and also PDF documents
  • option to convert any JPEG, PNG or GIF (even animated ones!) to WebP and AVIF for more Google love. How to enable WebP?. What is AVIF and why is it good?.
  • New!: full WP-CLI support for background processing, useful especially for websites with a very large Media Library
  • New!: Easily add recurrent cron jobs for background optimization. Useful if you have users uploading images via the front end of your website
  • option to automatically convert PNG to JPG if that will result in smaller images. Ideal for large images in PNG format
  • option to include the next generation images (WebP and AVIF) into the front-end pages by using the `` tag instead of ``, independent from generating them through the plugin
  • compatible with WP Retina 2x - all retina images are automatically compressed. How to benefit from Retina displays?
  • optimize thumbnails as well as featured images. You can also select individual thumbnails to exclude from optimization
  • advanced exclusion options that allow excluding images based on filename, path, size or complex regex exclusions
  • ability to optimize any image on your site including images in NextGEN Gallery and any other image galleries or sliders
  • option to scale images down, with 2 different options, which is very useful to automatically resize large images. This applies to the featured images and there is no need for additional plugins like Imsanity
  • CMYK to RGB conversion
  • skip already optimized images
  • 24h stellar support (24/7) directly from developers.
  • easily test lossy/glossy/lossless versions of the images with a single click in your Media Library
  • great for photographers: keep or remove EXIF data from your images, compress photos with lossless option
  • works well with both HTTPS and HTTP websites
  • fully compatible with any WordPress multisite install (either with sub-folders or sub-domains)
  • uses progressive JPEG for larger images in order to speed up the image display
  • you can run ShortPixel plugin on multiple websites or on a multisite with a single API Key
  • it is safe to test and use the plugin: all the original images are by default saved in a local backup that can be restored with a click, either one by one or in bulk
  • 'Bulk' optimize all the existing images in Media Library or in any gallery with one click
  • works great for eCommerce websites using WooCommerce or other plugins
  • works great with NextGEN gallery, Foo Gallery and any other galleries and sliders
  • fully compatible with the WP Offload Media plugin
  • compatible with WP Engine hosted websites and all the major hosting providers
  • compatible with WPML and WPML Media plugins
  • no file size limit
  • integrates with Gravity Forms post_image field type optimizing the images upon upload
  • compatible with watermarking plugins
  • option to deactivate auto-optimizing images on upload
  • no credits are used for the images that are optimised less that 5%
  • direct integration with Cloudflare by using a Cloudflare Token
  • 30 days optimization report with all image details and overall statistics
  • We are GDPR compliant! Read more.
  • free optimization credits for non-profits, contact us for details
SPAI features illustration


or choose the  Free plan  

Included in all plans

SmartCompress image optimization

Lossy/Glossy/Lossless algorithms

Automatic conversion to WebP/AVIF

Bulk optimization

BMP, TIFF auto-conversion

PNG, BMP, TIFF conversion to JPEG

EXIF management

Animated GIF to to animated WebP/MP4 conversion

24/7/365 support

WP-CLI support

Select individual thumbnail sizes to be optimized

Advanced optimization exclusion

CMYK to RGB conversion

Compatible with WordPress multisite install

API KEY aliases - ideal for agencies

Fully compatible with the WP Offload Media plugin

Compatible with WPML and WPML Media plugins

GDPR compliant

Direct integration with Cloudflare by using a Cloudflare Token

Image optimization leads to happy
internet users

Do you have any questions?

Check our Knowledge base or Contact us.

We're here for you 24 / 7! :-)

Plenty of features await you

Image Quality
Choose image
optimization level
Filesize limit
100MB filesize limit
Scale down
Automatically scale down
large images
ShortPixel Knowledge Base