Short updates for ShortPixel WordPress plugin

Sometimes we get busy writing code or doing customer support and we forget to sit back, breathe and do a roundup of what has happened since the last time we breathed, sat back and did a roundup of what has happened 🙂
It does feel like a lot has happened and when we look back we are extremely appreciative to you, the person reading this blog post, our clients, partners and everybody that allowed our work to bring a positive impact to theirs.
Here’s a quick overview of things we would like to highlight and further appreciate:
#1 ShortPixel Wordpress plugin has reached 90,000+ active installations
#2 Some of you might not know that we are actively interested in plugins that improve the workflow of how people use images on their WordPress sites and as a result of that we ended up acquiring several other WordPress plugins that we now maintain but also further develop (especially the compatibility with ShortPixel) and offer customer support for. ShortPixel owned plugins are:
- Enable Media Replace (300,000+ active installations),
- Resize Image After Upload (60,000+ active installations),
- reGenerate Thumbnails Advanced (20,000+ active installations)
And that brings us to an audience of 470,000 active installations. That’s almost half a million websites!
#3 We shared on IndieHackers a lot of inside information following our AppSumo deal. What went well, what could have gone better and if we would do it again (hint: we might ;-)). Read the full article:Â ShortPixel on AppSumo. Deal breakdown.
#4 We closely worked with Usability Dynamics to make sure their WP Stateless plugin is fully compatible with ShortPixel, enabling you to host your images in the Google Cloud.
#5 The little engine that could – or startup goes enterprise – for sites that have millions of images, we launched our DEDICATED SERVERS offer:
#6 Fabio (check-out his brilliant travel blog – we sure got some inspiration for this summer), a dear client of ours offered his help to translate the plugin in Italian – so now ShortPixel is available in Italian. If you have Wordpress set in Italian, ShortPixel interface should load in Italian. Any other languages that you would like to see ShortPixel in? 🙂
#7 Oh, almost forgot, we are on Instagram :)) Check us out – because that’s where usually the latest news gets published first. –