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WordPress Plugins
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ShortPixel Knowledge Base
Tools & Developer API
Tools & Developer API
Archive Optimizer
How are the credits counted when using the Archive Optimizer?
Google Drive
I have images files in my folders, but the app says there is nothing?
Does it work with Shared Drives?
I can’t see any files or folders after connecting to Google Drive, why?
“Too many redirects” when using Google Drive, why is that?
How are the credits counted when using the Google Drive Optimization?
Reference documentation
ShortPixel’s CDN API endpoints
Adaptive Images API parameters
ShortPixel Online Compressor
Setting – Smaller than (W/H): ‘Both’ vs ‘One’
How come ShortPixel tells me that I can optimize an image even more if I reupload it?
When using the online image compressor, my files download as TXT files
The online image compressor is adding a number to the filename, why?
ShortPixel Website Optimizer
Error: “The folder is locked by a different ShortPixel process”
Why the colors of my PNG image look washed out after optimization?
How to change your API Key in ShortPixel Website Optimizer
Does ShortPixel Website Optimizer re-optimize already optimized images?
Optimize Google Drive images using Zapier and the ShortPixel App
Optimize Dropbox images using Zapier and the ShortPixel App
More tools
xtag-sp-debug-reason: Processing queue temporary exceeded for this host
FAQ – Android app (ShortPixel Photo Optimizer)
I’m getting a “File too big” message. How can I solve it?
Does ShortPixel work on Wix websites?
My site is not in WordPress, can I still use ShortPixel?