How to interpret the Optimization Report

The Optimization Report is a very useful tool offered by ShortPixel that lets you check exactly what happened with your images.

The Optimization Report is located in your account, on the Reports section:

There you will find a big red "DOWNLOAD REPORT" button to download your report in CSV format.

Interpreting the Optimization Report

After you download your report by one of the previous methods, you will have a CSV file with more and useful information about your compressed images.

The CSV files will have several columns:

  1. Date: The date and time of the optimization (Central European Time).
  2. URL or Path (IP): Here you will see the exact URL of the optimized image. You will find several types of URLs:
    1.… —> image optimized with our online optimizer.
    2.… —> image optimized with ShortPixel Image Optimizer (SPIO) or with ShortPixel Website Optimizer (note: instead of "", you will see your actual domain). If you have used SPIO and see the exact same image with the exact same filename multiple times, this is due to SmartCropping; the same original image is used to generate the thumbnails that are smart-cropped, while the "non-smart" method is to optimize only the original thumbnails that have different suffixes in the filenames.
    3. /srv/users/serverpilot/private/… —> image optimized with the ShortPixel Command Line Tool (note: each customer will have a different path; the path that they chose to optimize).
    4.,q_loss… —> image optimized with ShortPixel Adaptive Images when using your own CDN.
    5.,q_loss… —> image optimized with Autoptimize when using your own CDN.
  3. Resize: This will show whether the image was resized or not. There are three possible values:
    1. "Contain – AAAxBBB", where AAA is the width and BBB the height of the resized image. Click here to learn more about the resizing feature.
    2. "Cover – AAAxBBB", where AAA is the width and BBB the height of the resized image. Click here to learn more about the resizing feature.
    3. "Smart – AAAxBBB", where AAA is the width and BBB the height of the resized image. Click here to learn more about SmartCropping.
  4. Original Size: the original size of the image.
  5. Lossless Size: the size of the compressed image using the Lossless method. Pay attention that you will always see this size displayed because ShortPixel always generates the Lossless version for technical reasons (but don't worry, it only counts against your quota if you choose to use it)
  6. Glossy Size: the size of the compressed image using the Glossy method. If you didn't choose Glossy, then a N/A will be displayed instead.
  7. Lossy Size: the size of the compressed image using the Lossy method. If you didn't choose Lossy, then a N/A will be displayed instead.
  8. Percent Improvement: the percentage of improvement your image got.
  9. Details: if there is any additional information to be considered, it will be shown here.
    1. The generation of an AVIF file spends one extra credit. Therefore, if you chose to create AVIF versions of your images, you will see one more row (= one extra credit) for the same image; one of the rows will have "AVIF conversion and optimization" in the Details column.

    2. The generation of a WebP file spends one extra credit as well. Therefore, if you chose to create WebP versions of your images, you will see one more row (= one extra credit) for the same image; one of the rows will have "WebP conversion and optimization" in the Details column.

    3. If you request a (re-)optimization of a WebP/AVIF file without touching the original image, a "Optimization not requested" message will appear in the Details column.
    4. If the percentage of improvement is less than 5%, you will see "Bonus processing" and no credit will be counted.