The online image compressor is adding a number to the filename, why?

If you happen to upload some image files to our online image optimizer and the optimized file is returned with a trailing number, there is a simple explanation for this: it is a technical and privacy measure.

Le us say say you upload an image with the name “example.jpg”. In the next minutes, every image uploaded with the same name will be suffixed. So, if another user after you uploads another image with the name “example.jpg” from their computer, it will be downloaded “example_1.jpg”. Otherwise, they would download your image.

If you have multiple images named “example.jpg” on your computer and upload them all at the same time, the downloads will be named “example_1.jpg”, “example_2.jpg”, and so on.

To avoid this behavior, you have 2 options:

  1. Wait a few minutes between uploads.
  2. Rename your files to something different and unique for each file before uploading.