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Remove all the ShortPixel related data on a WordPress website

Version 5 #

If you have used ShortPixel Image Optimizer on your website and want to remove all the data associated with it, you need to do the following:

  1. (Optional) Only if you want to restore your original images, go to Settings > ShortPixel > Tools, click on “Bulk Restore” and follow the instructions.
  2. Remove the ShortPixel backup folder located at /wp-content/uploads/ShortpixelBackups/.
  3. Go to Settings > ShortPixel > Tools, click on “Remove all ShortPixel Data” and follow the instructions.

  4. Remove the shortpixel_meta and shortpixel_folders tables from the database (if found). These tables contain your Custom media folders settings (Settings > ShortPixel > Advanced).
  5. Remove the plugin from the Plugins screen.

Version 4.22.10 or lower #

The steps below are only valid if you are using an old version of ShortPixel Image Optimizer (<= 4.22.10)
  1. (Optional) Before deactivating the plugin, go to Media > Bulk ShortPixel, click on “Bulk Restore Images” to restore your optimized images to the originals, and follow the instructions.
  2. Before deactivating the plugin, go to Media Bulk ShortPixel, click on “Bulk Delete SP Metadata” and follow the instructions.
  3. Remove the ShortPixel backup folder located at /wp-content/uploads/ShortpixelBackups/.
  4. Deactivate and uninstall the ShortPixel Image Optimizer plugin. Make sure that you uncheck the option “Keep the ShortPixel settings on plugin deletion“.

  5. Remove the shortpixel_meta and shortpixel_folders tables from the database (if found). These tables contain your Custom media folders settings (Settings > ShortPixel > Advanced).