I want to start using Autoptimize with ShortPixel Image Optimizer, what should I do?

As you know, Autoptimize can optimize your images in addition to regular website optimization. In case you are wondering, you can start using both Autoptimize’s Image Optimization with our plugin
ShortPixel Image Optimizer (SPIO) easily; SPIO will locally compress your images while Autoptimize will serve them from our CDN.

Important: this can greatly increase your credit usage; both plugins will make use of your pool of credits. We recommend you to make sure how SPIO uses your credits and how Autoptimize uses your credits.

To do that, just install
Autoptimize on your WordPress site, go to its Settings page, select the Images tab and then activate the “Optimize Images” option:

That’s all you need to get started!

There are a couple of important things you need to take into account.

  • To prevent your images from being over-optimized, you need to set the Image Optimization quality to “Lossless” on Autoptimize’s settings.

  • If you want to serve your images as WebP and/or AVIF, you must go to Settings > ShortPixel > Advanced and disable the option “Deliver the next generation versions of the images in the front-end“.

  • If you want to serve your images as AVIF, you need to explicitely enable the option “Load AVIF in supported browsers?

Please note that there is a limit of 500 free
image optimization credits that you can use on your site, but you can receive another 1,000 free one-time credits + 100 free monthly credits if you sign-up to ShortPixel from Autoptimize. Once you sign up @ ShortPixel, make sure you also associate your website to your account.