Optimize Dropbox images using Zapier and the ShortPixel App

In order to optimize your newly added Dropbox images with ShortPixel, you must first click here to receive an invitation.

After you receive the invitation and log in to your Zapier account, you can create the integration as follows:

  1. Select the Dropbox App and choose the “New File in Folder” Event:

  2. Log in to your Dropbox account:

  3. Select the folder where your images are located and select “No” under “Include File Contents?”:

  4. Test your trigger:

  5. Click on the “+” icon in the middle of steps 1 and 2:

  6. Select “Filter” and add the following fields:

  7. Proceed to the next step. Make sure you see the ShortPixel app and Event as in the following image and continue:

  8. Log in to ShortPixel, where you will need to enter your API key:

  9. Put ShortPixel to work! Choose the settings you want:
    Under “File”, select “Direct Media Link“, and you can set the rest of the options as needed.
  10. Send a test to ShortPixel, and everything should look fine:
  11. It’s time to upload the file back to Dropbox. To do this, add a final step to your Zap. Select the Dropbox app and the “Upload File” Event:
  12. Select your Dropbox account.

  13. In the “Customize File” section, fill in the fields with the following parameters:
    – File: use the return value “File: (Exists but not shown)“.
    – Overwrite: “Yes“.
    – Specifiy File Name: Use “File Name“.
    – Specify File Extension: Use “File Ext“.

  14. Test your Zap and that’s it!

Now you can add files to your Dropbox folder and they will be optimized with ShortPixel! To optimize your existing images, you need to move them back and forth to activate Dropbox’s trigger.