What is the CDN good for?

CDN stands for Content Delivery Network. With a CDN, your website’s resources are duplicated across a worldwide network of servers. This means that your website will load just as fast in your server’s country as it will for someone on the other side of the world. This is a MUST WordPress performance setup if your visitors come from all over the world.

But a CDN does not just improve your site’s loading speed. Here are the top four benefits of using a CDN for your website:

  • Speed – As mentioned earlier, a user who is on the other side of the world no longer has to suffer from slow loading times.
  • Less downtime – A CDN allows you to spread the load across more than 1 server. 100,000 users accessing your local server is not the same as 100,000 using many servers that are more powerful than yours.
  • Security – Most CDNs offer a WAF (Web Application Firewall) which, in short, is another layer of security to protect your website.
  • Improving SEO – Google clearly states that faster websites rank better in search engines. Since a CDN improves the speed of your website, it also improves your SEO.