"An error occured during the optimization" - Self debugging

Sometimes, you might encounter the error message "An error occurred during the optimization." when running a bulk optimization with reSmush.it Image Optimizer.

This is often due to our image optimization workers being blocked by your firewall or security plugin. To resolve this, we suggest adding our IPs to your firewall or security plugin's whitelist and running the optimization again.

The IPs to whitelist are:

Another potential reason for this issue could be corrupted images. Therefore, we advise turning on the logs by adding the following constant to your wp-config.php file.

define( 'SHORTPIXEL_DEBUG', 4 );

After enabling the logs, try running an optimization again and review the resmushit.log file in /wp-content/uploads/. This log will provide details on the optimization process and may highlight the underlying problem.

If these steps do not resolve the issue, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us for further assistance.

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