On what pages does SPIO optimize images?

ShortPixel Image Optimizer (SPIO) requires having at least one of the following pages open to optimize your images.

  • Settings > ShortPixel
  • Pages > All Pages
  • Posts > All Posts
  • Posts > All Posts > Edit Post
  • Posts > Tags
  • Media > Library
  • Media > Other media
  • Media > Bulk ShortPixel (only for Bulk processing)
  • NextGEN > Overview
  • NextGEN > Add Gallery
  • NextGEN > Manage Galleries
  • NextGEN > Manage Albums

This way if you have, for example, many authors on your site, the images they upload will be optimized right away while they edit a post.

You don’t need to be doing any action on these pages. You can just open one of them and leave it open in the background while you work on something else.

If you can’t or don’t want to open one of the above pages to be able to process your images, you have four alternatives. Please make sure to update the plugin to at least version 5.6 to be able to use all of them:

  1. You can enable Background mode.
  2. You can do the processing using the embedded WP-CLI support.
  3. You can set up a cron job to run SPIO whenever you want.
  4. You can add your own custom pages to the above list. See the section “Additional pages for background optimization” in Actions and filters of ShortPixel Image Optimizer.