I optimized already all the images but then I realized that I didn’t select the option to generate WebP or AVIF, what can I do?

ShortPixel Image Optimizer (SPIO) can only generate WebP or AVIF files from your images during the optimization process. The setting that controls this can be found at Settings > ShortPixel > Advanced.

If you have already optimized all the images on your website, but have not previously selected the "Create WebP versions of the images" or "Create AVIF versions of the images" option, then you have some options available. 

ShortPixel Image Optimizer 5

Perform these steps only if you have upgraded to at least version 5.0

  1. Go to Media > Bulk ShortPixel and click on "Start optimizing".
  2. In step 1, under "Optimize", check "Media Library". Then, under "Options", select the option to create either WebP or AVIF files (or both).

  3. Click on Calculate and continue with the remaining steps as usual.

ShortPixel Image Optimizer 4

Perform these steps only if you don't have upgraded SPIO to at least version 5.0

  1. If you still have your original images (you used the Backup option), you should restore all your images and optimize them again.
    1. Restore all images.
    2. Go to Media > Bulk ShortPixel.
    3. Select “Also create WebP versions of the images” and/or “Also create AVIF versions of the images”.
    4. Bulk optimize all images again. Please note that this will consume additional credits (learn more).
  2. If for some reason you do not have the original images, you should delete all metadata from your images and re-optimize them using the Lossless method.
    1. Go to Media > Bulk ShortPixel.
    2. Click on “Bulk Delete SP Metadata”.
    3. Go to Settings > ShortPixel and switch to Lossless optimization.
    4. Go to Settings > ShortPixel > Advanced and select “Also create WebP versions of the images” and/or “Also create AVIF versions of the images”.
    5. Bulk optimize all images again. Please note that this will consume additional credits (learn more).
    6. Go back to Settings > ShortPixel and change to Lossy/Glossy (what you had before).
  3. Alternatively, if you don’t have the original images, you can try our new ShortPixel Adaptive Images.

    1. Install our new plugin. To learn more about the differences between our two plugins, please read: ShortPixel Adaptive Images vs. ShortPixel Image Optimizer
    2. Follow these instructions: I already used SPIO for image optimization, what settings should I use with SPAI?
    3. You are ready!